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Moscowrep.ru is the official site of «Moscow report» news agency. «Moscow report» runs from October 2010. Our main interests are culture, sport, social life. We’re doing photoreports from exhibitions, competitions, presentations, festivals etc.
Our photographer is Anton Sherbakov — he’s doing all the photographs for «Moscow report» news agency. All the photographs are copyright protected.
«Moscow report» is officially registered agency.
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31.07 GUM blossomed with the annual Flower Festival ->
17.07 Final: who scored Zabivaka ->
14.07 Presentation of Qatar as host of the World Cup 2020 ->
04.07 Mexican carnival: not at all terrible «Day of the Dead» in Gostiny Dvor — part 3 ->
04.07 Mexican carnival: not at all terrible «Day of the Dead» in Gostiny Dvor — part 2 ->
03.07 Mexican carnival: not at all terrible «Day of the Dead» in Gostiny Dvor — part 1 ->
30.06 Gostiny Dvor became the National House of Mexico ->
27.06 Exhibition about the history of football in Russia ->
25.06 FIFA Park on Red Square ->
23.06 1418: The light of candles in memory of the war ->
20.06 «The Creators of History»: FIFA Museum in Moscow ->
18.06 Century of fashion at the Kiev railway station ->
16.06 FIFA2018: 3D-mapping on New Arbat ->
06.06 Book festival «Red Square» ->
05.06 Movie about Zabivaka ->
30.05 The opening of the «Garden of the Future» ->
20.05 23rd International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH Moscow ->
11.05 Immortal regiment: Family Victory Day ->
10.05 Victory Parade as a demonstration of opportunities ->
08.05 Sport through the eyes of artists from St. Petersburg ->
06.05 History of the building of the Museum of Moscow ->
04.05 A cycle of exhibitions of the Alexander Vasiliev Foundation ->
23.04 XVIII Spring Flower Festival in the Aptekarsky Garden ->
21.04 The fifth parade of trams in Moscow ->
27.03 III Moscow Cultural Forum: the diversity of the arts ->
18.03 Maritime traditions of Russia ->
16.03 Tea drinking traditions in Izmailovo ->
06.03 Treasures of Kolomenskoe ->
04.03 Andrei Cherkasov and his «Porforograd» (Porcelain city) in Kolomenskoye ->
31.01 Exhibition for the 90th anniversary of director Eldar Ryazanov ->
22.01 Exhibition «Moscow apartment» ->
14.01 A fragile miracle on the New Year tree: to the 130th anniversary of the Klin glass-blowing industry ->
08.01 Festival «Journey to Christmas» — part 2 ->
07.01 Festival «Journey to Christmas» — part 1 ->
06.01 12th GUM-Fair ->
31.12 New Year’s collection of Alexander Oleshko ->
28.12 History of decoration of Moscow ->
27.12 Grammy Museum in Moscow ->
20.12 Permanent exposition «Russian style» in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
19.12 Day of basketball in CSKA ->
16.12 «Wall of Sorrow» ->
10.12 Soviet porcelain in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
24.11 The continuity of generations. Heritage of AZLK ->
21.11 Simekh: traditions and culture of Yakutia ->
20.11 Number 17: a monument to Valery Kharlamov ->
19.11 «Top cadres»: 20th century in the TASS lens ->
16.11 «Russia looking to the future» ->
14.11 Zaryadye: park and bridge — night ->
13.11 Zaryadye: park and bridge — evening ->
12.11 Zaryadye: park and bridge — day ->
23.10 Updated park Mikhalkovo ->
15.10 Model of Moscow in a separate pavilion of Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy ->
05.10 Agroforum «Golden Autumn» ->
04.10 Show room for renovation of housing ->
30.09 Farmer’s «Golden Autumn» ->
22.09 «Three festivals»: three epochs ->
19.09 Moscow through the eyes of foreigners ->
11.09 Moscow 870: Birthday with gifts ->
10.09 30th Moscow International Book Fair ->
09.09. Moscow International Forum «City of Education» ->
31.08. International Railway Salon in Shcherbinka ->
24.08 Festival «Gardens and people» Part 2 ->
23.08. Festival «Gardens and people» Part 1 ->
20.08. Development of the stadium Luzhniki ->
18.08. Exhibition on the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy in State Department Store ->
07.08. Festival «Lady on a bicycle» Part 2 ->
06.08 Festival «Lady on a bicycle» Pat 1 ->
04.08. Festival «Moscow Summer» ->
31.07. Flower Festival in State Department Store ->
30.07. Festival «ExpoBasket» ->
29.07. Auto show «Night Moscow» ->
27.07. Exhibition on the construction of a bridge to the Crimea->
24.07. Festival «Inspiration» ->
21.07. Opening of the sculptural composition «Reunion»->
13.07 «Shelter of grand pianos» in the Museum of Moscow ->
08.07 Renovation of housing: new and free apartments for Muscovites ->
27.06 The observation deck of Gorky Park ->
26.06 Gorky Park Museum ->
25.06 Renewal of embankments: Yakimanskaya ->
21.06 Project «Line of Memory» ->
10.06 The festival «Times and Epochs» Part 2 ->
09.06 The festival «Times and Epochs» Part 1 ->
02.06 The festival «Times and Epochs» became part of the festival «Moscow Seasons» ->
31.05 Renovated museum of Marina Tsvetaeva ->
30.05 Peter the Great and his passion for the navy ->
27.05 «Times and Epochs» underground train ->
26.05 XIX international Museum festival ->
23.05 Basketball festival in the Professional basketball club «Moscow Basketball Association» ->
20.05 «Night at the Museum» project: bone carving art ->
10.05 Salute in honor of the Day of Victory ->
09.05 Project «Letters of Victory» ->
08.05 Oddities of weather ->
29.04 Glass and ceramics of the USSR ->
28.04 Dreams about space ->
25.04 Image of a bear in Russian art ->
24.04 Museum of vintage music ->
20.04 Festival «Easter gift» ->
13.04 Moscow Biennale of Design ->
24.03 Moscow culture forum 2017 ->
10.03 On the centenary of the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II: acquisition of the icon Reigning Icon of the Mother of God (Derzhavnaya) ->
03.03 When pomegranate blossoms. Guardians of the traditions of Uzbekistan ->
27.02 Repetition of Spring in Apothecary Garden ->
26.02 Batalist Neva presents new project «Moscow, 1941: Counteroffensive» ->
23.02 The image of the soldier in the Russian culture ->
15.02 Whistles from the ritual to the toy ->
09.02 Museum of History of ZiL («Zavod imeni Likhachova» or the Moscow Joint-Stock Company «Likhachov Plant») — part 2 ->
07.02 Museum of History of ZiL («Zavod imeni Likhachova» or the Moscow Joint-Stock Company «Likhachov Plant»)- part 1 ->
27.01 New Year as art-object ->
25.01 Lace: from East to West ->
22.01 The festival «tropical winter» in Apothecary Garden ->
20.01 Costumes for Gorky film studio tales ->
17.01 New greenhouse in Apothecary Garden ->
15.01 The kingdom of mosses in the Apothecary Garden ->
31.12 Festival «Journey to Christmas» ->
28.12 Skating rink and fair on Red Square ->
20.12 Basketball Day in Krylatskoye ->
17.12 Journey to Khrushchev Thaw ->
15.12 I love Chanel: private collections in the Museum of Fashion ->
12.12 А monument to Prince Vladimir the Baptist of Russia ->
3.12 «War and myths»: 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow ->
30.11 ExpoCityTrans-2016 ->
25.11 The Art of War Artists ->
14.11 MBA vs. CSKA ->
13.11 MBA vs. AGU Spor ->
12.11 History of Chinatown in Museum of Moscow ->
08.11 «Great Commanders»: historic train in Moscow Metro ->
07.11 Military-Historical parade on Red Square ->
06.11 History of Moscow City fashion in Moscow fashion museum ->
03.11 Folk Art Exhibition of Buryatia in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
02.11 Exhibition of miniature soldiers in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
28.10 73:69 — The «Moscow Basketball Association» starts with victory in basketball Women eurocup ->
24.10 The exhibition of the Ural iron castings in Kolomenskoe ->
20.10 Sumie: festival «Japanese Autumn» in Kolomenskoe ->
17.10 Peasant tradition of autumn holidays ->
14.10 Autumn in Moscow ->
09.10 Works of Gamzat Gazimagomedov in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
06.10 Art glass: works of Andrew Molchanovsky in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
04.10 Photo exhibition to Teacher’s Day in Gorky parc ->
30.09 Festival and Fair «Formula of handmade» in Sokolniki ->
25.09 «Colours of autumn» festival in Apothecary Garden ->
17.09 The exhibition about the history of Russian cinema in Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy ->
11.09 Moscow Central Circle: Opening ->
11.09 Moscow Central Circle: first trip ->
10.09 New subway train «Moscow» ->
10.09 Moscow international book fairy in Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy ->
07.09 The exhibition of posters from the collection of Luzhniki ->
04.09 New Novy Arbat ->
31.08 Moscow International Automobile Salon in Moscow — 2016 ->
31.08 Day of Saints Frol and Lavr in Kolomenskoe ->
28.08 Cartoon train in Moscow Metro ->
25.08 Art of Uzbekistan in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
20.08 Exhibition of history of Russian sports ->
15.08 Exhibition of cinema technologies @ Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy ->
11.08 Exhibition of Russian Railways ->
30.07 Theme train in Moscow Metro ->
29.07 85 years of Mstera tradition ->
28.07 Expo Basket-2016 ->
27.07 Moscow Open-2016 ->
26.07 SummerCup @ Druzhba ->
22.07 Festival «Moscow jam» ->
20.07 Flower festival @ GUM ->
13.07 Rose Festival @ Apothecary Garden ->
10.07 60th anniversary of the Luzhniki sports complex ->
30.06 Art history of chess @ All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
29.06 Palace of the Romanov dynasty ->
24.06 The exhibition about space exploration ->
21.06 Outside of Moscow: Sokolov’s Deserts Part 1 ->
20.06 Outside of Moscow: Sokolov’s Deserts Part 2 ->
15.06 Nadezhda Lamanova exhibition @ the Museum of Fashion ->
14.06 MBA @ Eurobasket 3×3 ->
29.05 Grand Veloparade in Moscow ->
27.05 Ghettobasket-2016 ->
21.05 Russian north @ Kolomenskoe ->
18.05 The exhibition about the history of Russian sports ->
17.05 Legends of Russian cinema ->
15.05 Exhibition of Russian porcelain ->
14.05 Exhibition of russian posters ->
10.05 March of Immortal Regiment ->
10.05 Meetings of veterans ->
09.05 Parade of Victory Day on May 9 ->
06.05 Festival «Moscow Spring» Part 1 ->
06.05 Festival «Moscow Spring» Part 2 ->
03.05 «Easter in the Orthodox world» ->
29.04 Sirinbird exhibition in museum of fashion ->
27.04 All-Russian Decorative Art Museum and it’s renewed exposition ->
24.04 Theatrical exhibition in GUM ->
22.04 The opening of river navigation on the Moscow River ->
20.04 The exhibition about the history of Russian cosmonautics ->
17.04 Topics of global arts and crafts ->
14.04 Natura of things project in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
11.04 History of Russian wooden spoon in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
09.04 Exhibition of artist Victor Matorin in Izmailovo ->
05.04 Artistic panorama «The Battle Over Berlin. Feat bearers» in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ->
31.03 The history of lace in Russia ->
30.03 Dolls of Olga Pogozheva ->
25.03 Galina Oistrakh сollection of Easter eggs ->
21.03 Moscow metro: underground architectural monument ->
17.03 Нistory of Russian military poster ->
14.03 Exhibition to the 27th anniversary of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan ->
10.03 The 19th Art Salon in Central House or artist ->
6.02 25th Oldtimer gallery @ Sokolniki ->
5.03 95 anniversary of the Special Purpose Garage ->
4.03 Education center of Moscow Metro part 2 ->
3.03 Education center of Moscow Metro: part 1 ->
1.03 Dresses and cars @ Museum of Moscow ->
28.02 Artists paint the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University ->
27.02 Repetition of spring in Apothecary Garden ->
17.02 Artists of Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy ->
16.02 «Giving Hope» charity project ->
11.02 15th exhibition Formula of handmade ->
07.02 Russia on the road. Russian realistic art 1920 — 1990 ->
04.02 Women’s happiness: women’s life a hundred years ago ->
31.01 Russian crafts in the Moscow Metro ->
27.01 Opening of Old English Court in the Museum of Moscow ->
21.01 Russian winter exhibition in All-Russian Decorative Art Museum ->
15.01 Ice city in Moscow ->
11.01 Moscow international festival Christmas lights part 2 ->
09.01 Popular history of the cosmos ->
07.01 Moscow international festival Christmas lights ->
05.01 The opening of a museum of fashion ->
02.01 «Tropical Winter» Festival in Apothecary Garden ->
28.12 Colors of GUM-fair ->
27.12 Christmas trees for the charity fund Vera ->
26.12 Vintage New Year in GUM ->
17.12 Christmas decorations from the collection of actor Alexander Oleshko ->
15.12 Giant Christmas ball set in Moscow ->
11.12 Pushkin’s fairy tales and Russian art ->
10.12 Fashion in the USSR: from art to mass production ->
08.12 History of Russian animation @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
07.12 Virtual Photo Exhibition «Moscow and St. Petersburg in the lens of history» ->
30.11 Russian and Soviet Realism @ Manezh ->
28.11 Sokolniki: History of Sport in Moscow ->
25.11 Chinoiserie and chinese style in russian art ->
23.11 Repair of streets around the Novodevichy Convent ->
19.11 Bonsai trees exhibition in Apothecary Garden ->
18.11 The history of Russian wooden architecture ->
12.11 Other Childhood: Toys from the collection of Sergey Romanov ->
07.11 Century of fashion in Russia: exhibition of Alexander Vassiliev’s collection ->
06.11 Day of Russian Unity: Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky and his associates ->
04.11 Festival of Russian Geographical Society ->
30.10 Elk Island: Autumn in the city ->
24.10 Moscow trolleybus fest ->
22.10 Autumn in Kuzminki parc ->
20.10 Еxhibition of costumes of Gorky Film Studio ->
16.10 Week of floristry in Apothecary Garden ->
10.10 History of the Russian Ballet ->
09.10 Arts and crafts of USSR ->
05.10 Russian art of bone carving ->
29.09 Сity farm @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
27.09 Light fest — 2015 ->
21.09 1000 days before FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 ->
17.09 The observation deck on the roof of the store «Detsky Mir» ->
16.09 Exhibition about the magazine Murzilka @ GUM ->
15.09 «The great modernists» exhibition @ Aviaparc ->
13.09 Pedestrian revolution: Bolshaya and Malaya Nikitskaya, Nikitskie vorota ->
12.09 New Triumfalnaya square ->
09.09 Pedestrian revolution: Bolshoy Ovchinnikovskiy ->
08.09 Pedestrian revolution: Chernigovskiy pereulok ->
03.09 Michelangelo: The Creation @ Artplay ->
02.09 Moscow International Book Fair 2015 @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
31.08 Moscow never sleeps ->
29.08 Exhibition Flowers-2015 @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
26.08 The history of Russian samovar ->
20.08 Moscow Jam festival ->
19.08 Celebration of Transfiguration of our Lord ->
14.08 Exhibition of famous russian car Pobeda (Victory) @ GUM ->
13.08 Outskirts of Moscow: Chisty (Clean) island ->
12.08 Preparation of Moscow Jam festival ->
09.08 Moscow celebrated the 91 th anniversary of the Moscow bus ->
09.08 The Ball: an information pavilion on the reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium ->
08.08 Reconstruction of the Luzhniki stadium ->
31.07 Podmoskovnaya: opening of the museum ->
30.07 Podmoskovnaya: a new depot ->
28.07 Moscow Open 2015 ->
27.07 Adidas summer cup ->
24.07 Public art objects @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
17.07 190 years of the art of Zhostovo ->
15.07 Rosary in Sokolniki ->
14.07 Apothecary Garden: cooperation with the Moscow State University ->
10.07 3rd Festival of Flowers @ GUM ->
08.07 The opening of the chess club @ VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) ->
06.07 Layout of Moscow increased in size ->
03.07 The charity project «Stars to veterans» ->
01.07 Festival of landscape design «Gardens and people» ->
29.06 Vintage «RetroFest» in Sokolniki ->
27.06 The first festival «Books of Russia» on the Red Square in Moscow ->
26.06 The exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society in the gallery «Underground» ->
25.06 The Touch: an exhibition of wedding dresses by Vyacheslav Zaitsev ->
13.06 Independence Day of Russia : a master class Andrei Kirilenko ->
08.06 The festival «Times and Epochs»: Antiquity ->
07.06 The exhibition of the main rest camp for children «Artek» ->
01.06 11th Forum «Ready for Work and Defence» ->
28.05 Moscow metro during the Second World War ->
27.05 Fashion and craft: Russia and Sweden ->
27.05 Great Victory in russian art ->
20.05 Integrated Safety & Security Exhibition ISSE 2015 ->
18.05 Exhibition of old subway cars ->
17.05 Touring artists of the Great Patriotic War ->
16.05 Season opening of Ghettobasket competition ->
10.05 Salute in honor of Victory Day ->
10.05 Immortal regiment project ->
10.05 Wall of memory ->
10.05 Boulevard of memory ->
08.05 Exhibition of Arms ->
08.05 Thank you project ->
06.05 The creators of the Victory ->
02.05 Season opening on the basketball court «Under the Bridge» ->
30.04 Kolomenskoe: new season ->
23.04 Flower Festival in Pharmaceutical Garden ->
22.04 George Ribbon: 10 years of new tradition ->
20.04 Beginning of navigation on the Moscow River ->
18.04 Easter: historical exhibition in Moscow ->
12.04 116 years: the birthday of Moscow trams ->
06.04 Inventing fashion: Exhibition of technologies ->
03.04 Local historical journey of lyceum students from Moscow to Pomorie ->
02.04 Art of the North ->
27.03 Flowers in Russian art ->
22.03 Contemporary art at the Lubyanka metro station ->
18.03 Spring begins in the Apothecary Garden ->
13.03 The 18th Moscow International Art Salon ->
9.09 The fate of Russian women in the Great Patriotic War 1941 — 1945 ->
8.03 23th Oldtimer-Gallery ->
7.03 Gifts for the leaders of the USSR ->
7.03 Engines of Great Victory ->
28.02 Oldtimers of Soviet era ->
23.02 Maslenitsa in Moscow ->
21.02 Handmade in Germany ->
19.02 The Russian State Library for Young Adults: Library of the future ->
19.02 Е-book museum in Moscow ->
15.02 Speed dating on Valentine’s Day ->
08.02 Exhibition to the 260 th anniversary of the MSU ->
07.02 Household objects of the past ->
04.02 AgroFarm-2015 ->
27.01 Photo project for the liberation of Leningrad ->
26.01 Exhibition of Soviet Christmas cards ->
26.01 Exhibition of Russian children’s magazine Murzilka ->
24.01 Museum of the Moscow Railway. Part 2 ->
23.01 Museum of the Moscow Railway. Part 1 ->
14.01 The exhibition about opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi ->
12.01 New Year in the USSR ->
06.01 Sikorsky: Wings of the Future. 125 years in the technological history of the Earth ->
02.01 «Dialogue of Cultures»: Uzbek silk and Russian cotton ->
01.01 «Russian glass. New Items»: do not confuse with ice ->
31.12 Еxhibition of antique kitchen utensils ->
28.12 Moscow prepared to celebrate the New Year ->
27.12 The tropical winter festival in the Apothecary Garden ->
17.12 Christmas markets in Moscow ->
16.12 Gogolevsky boulevard: decorated for the New Year ->
15.12 Huge Christmas decoration in the center of Moscow ->
08.12 The legendary star costumes @ GUM ->
07.12 Main rink: Red Square ->
06.12 The Art of ikebana @ All-russian decorative art museum ->
03.12 Wedgwood: pearl of british tradition ->
01.12 Holui: classic Russian lacquer painting ->
28.11 Soviet childhood exhibition in museum of Moscow ->
23.11 #HardCourt: New basketball hall in Moscow ->
13.11 «Orthodox Russia. My story. Rurik» ->
11.11 Places of happiness — in a magazine about happiness ->
09.11 Ostankino television tower 47 years ->
31.10 ExpoCityTrans-2014: not only RussiaOne ->
31.10 ExpoCityTrans-2014: RussiaOne ->
27.10 World Skateboarding Cup 2014 in Moscow ->
23.10 Slava Zaitsev exhibition in Kolomenskoe ->
20.10 Moscow Design Week 2014 ->
17.10 150 year anniversary of the Moscow zoo ->
13.10 Circle of light 2014: more locations ->
11.10 Circle of light 2014 ->
08.10 Dagestan: the art of embroidery ->
07.10 Vladimir Putin’s birthday: ANYAVANYA and GUM ->
04.10 Game industry exhibition IgroMir ->
28.09 Car free day in Moscow ->
27.09 Sadovniki Park: details ->
26.09 «Tuva — in running Time» ->
25.09 «Gold Sarmatian» spirit of Scythian triad ->
24.09 Sadovniki Park: Update ->
18.09 450 years of Russian typographic book «The Apostle» ->
13.09 Ostankino Park: Update ->
12.09 Ostankino: The largest skatepark in Europe ->
10.09 Heaven’s garden in russian art ->
08.09 Moscow City Day ->
31.08 Moscow Layout project ->
30.08 Flowers-2014 ->
25.08 Aviation Festival Moscow Sky ->
22.08 Pjatnitskaya street: convenient for pedestrians ->
20.08 Vintage cars exhibition @ GUM ->
19.08 Mayor’s streetball Cup 1×1 Day 2 ->
19.08 Mayor’s streetball Cup 1×1 Day 1 ->
15.08 Retrocar exhibition @ Exhibition of Achievements of the People’s Economy ->
11.08 «Moscow jam»: competition and tasting ->
11.08 Festival «Moscow jam» ->
10.08 Ping-pong amateur championship @ Kuznetsky Most ->
6.08 Presentation of new binoculars on the Ostankino TV tower ->
3.08 Exhibition of Achievements of the People’s Economy: celebrating the 75th anniversary ->
2.08 Revival of Exhibition of Achievements of the People’s Economy ->
31.07 Moscow Open 2014: basketball tradition in Moscow — Day 2 ->
31.07 Moscow Open 2014: basketball tradition in Moscow — Day 1 ->
30.07 Fashion of Petersburg: 19th — early 20th centuries ->
30.07 Russian shawl: heritage ->
29.07 adidas Summer Cup ->
28.07 Kolomenskoye: summer attraction ->
24.07 NBA3X in Moscow and Horace Grant as a star guest — Day 2 ->
23.07 NBA3X in Moscow and Horace Grant as a star guest — Day 1 ->
16.07 Moscow Flower Show 2014 ->
15.07 AK47: Andrei Kirilenko in Moscow ->
14.07 Exhibition of drawings by Nadia Rusheva ->
4.07 Flower Festival in GUM ->
4.07 Ice Cream Day in GUM ->
30.06 Retro Festival in Sokolniki ->
25.06 Doll and its historical role ->
23.06 Ghettobasket competition on the court Under the bridge ->
21.06 Moscow.Research ->
19.06 Russian tea tradition ->
10.06 Festival Times and Epochs ->
6.06 ‘Folk glass’ and its history ->
6.06 Russian lacquer miniature ->
6.06 Green rally ->
3.06 Children’s Day in GUM ->
3.06 Pram parade in Gorky park ->
2.06 «Xi» and «Psi»: the return of forgotten characters ->
31.05 Ghetto basket season opening ->
26.05 Opening of the new streetball season ->
26.05 Urbanism: city in my mind ->
23.05 National photoproject «Where the Motherland Begins» ->
19.05 Vans park in Gorky park ->
19.05 Veloboulevard festival ->
19.05 Artists paint St. Basil’s Cathedral ->
11.05 May 9: forces — armed ->
11.05 May 9: Veterans in Moscow ->
11.05 May 9: Memory wall ->
10.05 Salute in honor of Victory Day on May 9 — view from Ostankino TV-tower ->
8.05 Wreath-laying ceremony in memory of fallen soldiers ->
8.05 Military cars exhibition ->
5.05 «Moscow Spring»: Fair at the Crimean embankment ->
3.05 Second International Festival of marching bands ->
3.05 Zarуadye: what will be the future ->
2.05 Luzhniki sports season opened ->
1.05 George Ribbon: version of artists ->
25.04 Literary Museum exhibition in Tsaritsyno->
25.04 The First World War: the centenary exhibition ->
21.04 Easter celebration in the city ->
18.04 Sergius of Radonezh: history of the soul ->
14.04 Birthday of Moscow tram ->
13.04 Spring in the apothecary garden ->
8.04 Iconography and woodcarving exhibition in Kolomenskoe ->
7.04 CSKA vs. Galatasaray: +1 ->
7.04 Sergei Andriaka’s Academy exhibition ->
30.03 CSKA — «Bavaria»: without Teodosic — with Djedovic ->
30.03 Altai — image — time ->
28.03 Questions of safety ->
28.03 Three centuries of travel ->
22.03 Quilting fashion of Tatiana Smirnova and her family ->
21.03 Artist`s Book. Russia/United Kingdom ->
21.03 Porcelain of Vladimir Yasnetsov ->
08.03 22th «Oldtimer Gallery» in Sokolniki: curiosities and modernity ->
07.03 CHA-2014: Moscow International Art Salon ->
01.03 Maslenitsa celebration in Kolomenskoe ->
27.02 Рortraits of Russian Olympic champions by «Old-Fashion art group» ->
26.02 Icons of the Great Week in Kolomenskoye ->
25.02 CSKA — «Maccabi»: the score, and the Order ->
24.02 Hockey puck: the history of the popular Soviet cartoon ->
23.02 Our grandmothers toys ->
17.02 Sport in soviet life ->
17.02 Sports life in Moscow history: more than a century ->
14.02 Old Moscow: Yesterday and Today ->
10.02 Olympic Games: sport, art, history ->
09.02 Sport in russian and soviet art — exhibition in GUM ->
31.01 History of one carpet ->
30.01 Fifth festival of orchids ->
27.01 Water kingdom in Apothecary garden ->
22.01 New characters of Russian porcelain ->
21.01 The artist and the people — about Dagestan ->
20.01 Olympic art of USSR era ->
19.01 New Year in a greenhouse @ Tsaritsyno ->
13.01 CSKA vs. Zalgiris ->
11.01 Itchiku Kubota kimono exhibition @ Manezh ->
31.12 Make beautiful capital! ->
30.12 New Year: the excitement of buying and selling! ->
25.12 Exhibition of antique toys from the collection of Sergey Romanov ->
23.12 Hiking in Moscow in winter ->
23.12 Moscow decorated for New Year: «Best city of the winter» fest ->
19.12 Folk toys from Bogorodskoe ->
12.12 Exhibition of dolls from the collection of David Yakobashvili ->
12.12 Exhibition of glass sculptor Vladimir Kasatkin in Tsaritryno ->
8.12 Biggest in Europe: Burton x Gorky park opening ->
7.12 Vintage New Year exhibition in Museum of Moscow ->
2.12 The 120th anniversary of GUM: exhibition of fashion historian Alexandre Vassiliev in GUM ->
29.11 Winter in Bogorodskoe — between forest and city ->
28.11 International quilting exhibition ->
25.11 Chess Art exhibition in the Museum of Folk Art ->
20.11 Lacquer miniature in the Museum of Folk Art ->
18.11 China toys @ New Manege ->
17.11 CSKA vs. Partizan ->
16.11 Holland design exhibition ->
11.11 Exhibition about the problem of recovering estates in Moscow ->
10.11 History of Ostozhenka str. ->
8.11 GAZ automobile giant exhibition in GUM ->
7:11 New pedestrian route in Moscow ->
27.10 World Cup Skateboarding Moscow ->
23.10 Neskuchny garden in autumn: visit to squirrels ->
21.10 Izmailovo island in Moscow: an island of calm ->
11.10 Exhibition of Olympic torches ->
10.10 The great photographer: Proskudin-Gorski exhibition in Museum of Moscow ->
06.10 Circle of light fest ->
06.10 PianomaniЯ open air by Dimitri Malikov in Tsaritsyno ->
04.10 Game industry fest Igromir-2013 ->
04.10 Sokolniki park charges phones ->
03.10 New Crimean Embankment — night->
02.10 New Crimean Embankment — day ->
30.09 Regional Amateur Basketball Cup ->
27.09 Bolshaya Dmitrovka street — now pedestrian ->
27.09 Armenian cathedral opening in Moscow ->
22.09 Mercedes-Benz Classic Day in Moscow ->
10.09 Nikos Floros exhibition in Tsaritsyno ->
08.09 866th Moscow city day celebration: dancing city ->
08.09 866th Moscow city day celebration: exhibitions ->
08.09 866th Moscow city day celebration: creative activities ->
04.09 Repetition of the celebration of Moscow Day on Red Square ->
04.09 Moscow graffiti fest ->
02.09 New life of trolleybus route B ->
31.08 Late summer in Kuskovo ->
23.08 Neskuchny garden keeps changing ->
22.08 Nikolskaya street — now pedestrian ->
20.08 Bicycle Exhibition at the National Exhibition Centre ->
15.08 Youth Day in the Park Muzeon ->
14.08 Tsaritsyno: Like sign in Moscow ->
09.08 Phlox exhibition in the Museum of biology ->
05.08 «Active City» festival @ Tsvetnoy blvd ->
05.08 Ice Cream festival @ Kuznetsky most ->
28.07 Nike We run Moscow ->
27.07 Ping-pong competition in the center of Moscow ->
25.07 Sahart: creative space for graffiti ->
24.07 Orthodox exhibition in Tsaritsyno ->
17.07 Arkhangelskoe: holiday in the city ->
15.07 Moscow Open 2013: International Championship of street basketball ->
07.07 «Under the Bridge»: summer meetings ->
03.07 Meissen’s porcelain exhibition @ Tsaritsyno ->
28.06 «Big Ball»: the 400th anniversary of the Romanov ->
20.06 Moscow Flower Show @ Gorky park ->
15.06 Basketball of the streets: season opening @ «Under the Bridge» ->
14.06 ExtremeX fest in Sokolniki ->
08.06 Moscow: the view from the surface of the water ->
05.06 Streetbasket on Red Square ->
02.06 VTB Arena Open 2013 ->
01.06 Sports festival on Red Square ->
31.05 Training camp of the Russian Basketball Federation ->
26.05 Second International Festival of Decorative Arts «Tree of Life» ->
23.05 The exhibition «Fashion in the mirror of history. XIX-XX centuries» @ the Museum of Moscow ->
21.05 «Cycle»: an exhibition of ikebana in the Pharmaceutical Garden ->
19.05 Exhibition of treasures in the museum of Moscow ->
19.05 90th summer season in Kolomenskoye ->
13.05 Flower Festival in the Apothecary garden ->
10.05 Day of Russia’s victory in World War II: military parade on the Red Square ->
09.05 Day of Russia’s victory in World War II: the laying of wreaths ->
06.05 Easter: art fest in the center of Moscow ->
30.04 Microhouses fest ->
29.04 Collectors of rarities: The Third Festival of private collections ->
26.04 Moscow basketball league: stars and victory ->
24.04 Vintage Car Rally ->
21.04 The Soviet packing in «Manezh» ->
10.04 Glass «Contrasts» from the Baltics ->
07.04 Gardening lessons in Tsaritsyno ->
05.04 Dymkovsky toys exhibition ->
01.04 Basketball fest at Luzhniki part 2 ->
31.03 Basketball fest @ Luzhniki part 1->
28.03 Kolomenskoe: last days of snow ->
25.03 Moscow awaiting for the spring ->
18.03 Celebrating of Maslenitsa in Gorky park ->
12.03 Oldtimer Gallery exhibition ->
11.03 Exhibition on the history of feminism in art ->
09.03 Russian vintage cars exhibition «Let’s go!» ->
04.03 «Breakthrough» Extreme Fest ->
02.03 16th International Art Salon in Central House of Artists ->
28.02 Exhibition about the history of trade in Russia ->
27.02 Adrenalin Games: jibbing competition ->
26.02 Match of professional volleyball players: Mikhailov vs. Tetiukhin ->
20.02 Grand Prix de Russie: extreme sports & XZIBIT ->
19.02 Sokolniki presented their star project ->
15.02 CSKA vs. Panathinaikos ->
12.02 Jibbing in Sokolniki ->
09.02 Floral flirtation ->
08.02 AgroFarm 2013: not only for professionals ->
07.02 Сountdown to the Olympic Games in Sochi ->
04.02 Day of the Lithuanian-Russian friendship and struggle ->
02.02 Organ sounds in Tsaritsyno ->
31.01 History of Children’s Fashion at the Historical Museum ->
30.01 Shchusev Museum reveals funds ->
18.01 The «foxes» traveled to Moscow for victory: day 2 ->
17.01 The «foxes» traveled to Moscow for victory: day 1 ->
16.01 Cheerleaders: parquet and dance ->
13.01 First steps of young basketball players @ Trinta school ->
08.01 Moscow celebrating New Year ->
07.01 Who are you, snowman? ->
01.01 Happy New Year! ->
28.12 Encyclopedia of New Year ->
27.12 French Christmas market in Moscow ->
25.12 Merry Christmas ->
24.12 Succulents in frosty Moscow ->
23.12 Unknown Tuva ->
21.12 Botanical garden in winter ->
17.12 Winter in Sokolniki park ->
15.12 The art of handwriting @ Modern Museum of Calligraphy in Sokolniki ->
14.12 Architecture fest Zodchestvo-2012 ->
13.12 GUM is ready for New Year ->
06.12 Burton snowboard parc in Moscow ->
04.12 World of Ludmila Gurchenko — exhibition dedicated to famous Russian actress ->
29.11 Design of USSR: exhibition @ Manezh ->
25.11 Mother’s Day Celebration @ Tsaritsyno ->
24.11 CSKA vs. Partizan ->
21.11 Contemporary Art exhibition @ Tsaritsyno->
15.11 Artists of Riga in Museum of Moscow ->
14.11 Private art collection of Sergey Grigorianc @ Tsaritsyno ->
13.11 CSKA vs. Nymburk ->
12.11 Planetpics: scientific exhibition in Gorky Park ->
12.11 Orange stories in Museon ->
12.11 Global warming: «Knitted Autumn» in Museon->
6.11 Moscow Stars: karate in Moscow ->
6.11 Ski salon 2012 ->
28.10 Slava Zaitsev exhibition @ Manezh ->
28.10 History of Gorky park @ Garage ->
18.10 Caucasian dictionary ->
14.10 Porcelain dresses by Tatiana Chapurgina ->
11.10 Moscow Design Week 2012 ->
5.10 Basketball Petrenko Cup ->
2.10 20-th Oldtimer Gallery and Technology fest ->
23.09 Basketball Kuzin Cup ->
19.09 German fest in Gorky Park ->
19.09 Rodin exhibition in Tsaritsino ->
18.09 Museum Guide fest by Vladimir Potanin fund ->
13.09 Moscow International Motor Show ->
11.09 City day with the ball and the net ->
10.09 Ninth month fest in Tsaritsyno ->
10.09 We are children fest in Kolomenskoe ->
09.09 Horses help children ->
4.09 City day in Tsaritsуno ->
1.09 Flowers-IPM-2012 ->
31.08 Ghetto-basket pre-closing of the season ->
28.08 Russian Flag Day ->
27.08 New bus excursions in Moscow ->
23.08 Architecture in ceramics ->
22.08 Bright people fest ->
22.08 Culture fest @ Sokolniki ->
17.08 Summer in Botanical garden ->
14.08 Honey fair @ Kolomenskoe ->
13.08 Summer in Tsaritsino->
1.08 Summer in Kolomenskoe ->
29.07 Flower Power fest @ Red October ->
23.07 Russia vs. Lithuania: 101 — 79 ->
23.07 Moscow City Racing: Day 2 ->
23.07 Moscow City Racing: Day 1 ->
21.07 Retro-Fest @ Sokolniki ->
17.07 Russian tea-table: samovars and gzhel ->
15.07 «The times and epochs»: the historical reconstruction in Kolomenskoe ->
11.07 Deep Forest in Moscow ->
11.07 Ethnic open-air Ivan Kupala ->
09.07 Adrenalin Games 7 ->
05.07 International Festival of Gardens and Flowers ->
04.07 Drawing lessons @ Gorky Park ->
02.07 Festival of the journal PROsport in Gorky Park ->
26.06 Garden Festival Moscow Garden Fest ->
24.06 Festival of Czech cuisine ->
22.06 Rally Bosch Moskau Klassik ->
20.06 Moscow Union of Artists celebrates 80 years of creative activity ->
14.06 Student Art Prom ->
14.06 International competition of sand sculpture «The Great History of Russia» ->
10.06 7th Moscow Book Festival ->
31.05 Basketball Workshop with David Blatt ->
28.05 Dudu, Red Square and basketball ->
26.05 Short life of the flower ->
24.05 Traditional Japanese art of ikebana @ Apothecary garden ->
23.05 Theatrical show based on the war between Russia and France in 1812 ->
22.05 Drawing contest in Pokrovsky Cathedral ->
19.05 CSKA vs. Khimki ->
17.05 Opening of season of dance in Gorky Park ->
13.05 The circus comes to town ->
12.05 Victory day: military parade on Red Square ->
12.05 Victory day: ceremony of laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ->
11.05 Luzhniki season opening ->
03.05 Saturday work day in Gorky Park ->
28.04 CSKA vs. Himki ->
26.04 Flowers fest @ Apothecary garden ->
25.04 Rally of owners of the legendary Russian car Volga GAZ-21 ->
21.04 Rally Bosch Klassik presentation @ Autoville ->
19.04 After the «Living Art» fest ->
18.04 Festival «Living Art», dedicated to Easter ->
16.04 Galaxy fest ->
12.04 Mosgorod exhibition @ RuArts ->
11.04 Basketball championship of Russia among boys born in 1997: final ->
11.04 Basketball championship of Russia among boys born in 1997: quarterfinal ->
7.04 Science fest @ Central house of artists ->
1.04 Magic India Exhibition ->
28.03 Exhibition of ethnic origins of the sport ->
28.03 Vladimir Lyubarov and elections in the village Peremilovo ->
25.03 CSKA vs. Bilbao ->
19.03 XV Moscow International Art Salon @ Central House of Artists ->
13.03 Car exhibition Oldtimer-gallery @ Crocus ->
12.03 Exhibition «Moscow topography» @ Manezh ->
11.03 Exhibition of Daria Usova @ RuArts gallery ->
9.03 «Museon» gave one thousand roses ->
9.03 32-th Russian Antique Salon ->
8.03 Chess pavilion in Gorky Park is waiting for players ->
4.03 The exhibition of fashion historian Alexander Vassiliev «Fashion behind the Iron Curtain» ->
29.02 Dinamo (Moscow) vs. Spartak (Noginsk) ->
29.02 All-Star Game Moscow Basketball League ->
28.02 Pancake Day Celebration ->
27.02 Graffiti house in the center of Moscow ->
21.02 The skill of handmade for both adults and children ->
20.02 Litany — the Tatiana Ian exhibition ->
18.02 The exhibition «Two of the Emperor,» about Napoleon and Alexander I ->
16.02 Book festival Feeling of snow @ Muzeon ->
15.02 CSKA vs. Lokomotiv-Kuban ->
13.02 Winter mountain for children @ Gorky park ->
12.02 Frosty art school ->
09.02 Coffee elections in Moscow ->
09.02 Ice Kremlin in Luzhniki ->
07.02 Moroz-city in Sokolniki->
31.01 Dinamo vs. UGMK ->
26.01 CSKA vs. Efes ->
23.01 CSKA vs. Minsk-2006 ->
23.01 Snow kingdom in Luzhniki ->
18.01 Basketball: women’s style ->
16.01 CSKA — Spartak: Russian basketball professional league match ->
15.01 «New Year’s cones» basketball contest: final ->
15.01 «New Year’s cones» basketball contest: semifinal ->
08.01 The right way of spending a vacation in Moscow ->
04.01 The third festival of orchids ->
03.01 Theatre-miniature MicroSCOPE in Moscow ->
03.01 Happy New Year! ->
31.12 New Year’s decorations of the Soviet era ->
31.12 Snowmen in Gorky Park ->
31.12 New Year’s greetings from the workers of Moscow metro ->
29.12 Christmas tree as an art object contest @ Red October ->
22.12 Vladimir Khlopcev photo exhibition ->
17.12 CSKA vs. Panatiakos ->
17.12 Presentation of the biography of famous russian basketball player Andrei Kirillenko ->
12.12 Kid’s Market @ Flacon design factory ->
12.12 Gap: knitting the Gorky park ->
07.12 RedBull Crashed Ice ->
05.12 ArtManezh ->
04.12 Christmas Lights Up ->
03.12 Book fair Non/fictio#13 ->
02.12 Opening of the rink in Gorky Park ->
29.11 Jo-mobil in Red Square ->
08.11 First aid courses ->
05.11 The game of petanque in Moscow ->
04.11 ETRO Arnica Bags exhibition @ GUM ->
04.11 Leaning Tower in Moscow ->
03.11 Kinder+Sport @ Gorky park ->
27.10 Ski Salon-2011 ->
26.10 Tsvetnoi: Art on the Boulevard ->
25.10 Circle of Light fest @ Gorky Park ->
24.10 Ski Salon-2011: a foretaste of winter ->
22.10 Сircle of Light fest in the center of Moscow ->
21.10 Moscow design week 2011 ->
10.10 Sretenka Design Week ->
05.10 International Tournament of Show Jumping @ Bitsa: Day 1 & 2
29.09 Alex Kortnev band and Tatiana @ Seasons Project fest ->
29.09 Seasons Project fest @ Gorky park, day 1, 2
21.09 Ikebana exhibition @ Аpothecary’s garden ->
01.09 Adrenalin Games @ Gorky Park ->
31.08 Ghetto Basket @ Under the bridge — Goodbye, summer) ->
29.08 Presentation of the Russian national basketball team ->
22.08 91-76: Russia vs. Lithuania @ Khimki ->
15.08 RedBul Flugtag @ Stragino ->
05.08 Ghetto Basket @ Under the bridge ->
30.07 Sport fest in Luzhniki ->
27.07 VAZ: 45 years @ Manezh, moscow ->
21.07 Moscow City Racing ->
15.07 Audi exhibition for the 50th anniversary of Gagarin’s flight into space @ GUM ->
09.07 Matryoshka-giants @ Moscow City ->
29.06 NBA 5 United: Howard and Kirilenko @ Luzhniki Stadium ->
17.06 Sports festival @ Red Square ->
15.06 What is Coca-Cola? ->
08.06 Brandenburg Gate in Moscow ->
04.06 Arch Moscow 2011: NEXT ->
04.06 Russian North in the summer Moscow: ->
21.05 Victory Cup: streetball season 2011 opening ->
18.05 Presentation of a book about the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin ->
15.05 Military parade on Red Square ->
14.05 Wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ->
07.05 Exhibition of artist Leonid Shvartsmangt;a href=»http://moscowrep.ru/?p=1272″, and the main Russian cartoon character Cheburashka @ «Na Solianke» gallery ->
01.05 365 Practice Day skateboard competition ->
30.04 Vintage car club season opening ->
29.04 Easter celebration in the park Presnya / Icy Easter Egg ->
21.04 Oldtimer Gallery: vintage exhibition — cars, cloths, toys ->
21.04 Oldtimer Gallery: 90 Anniversary of Garage of special service ->
14.04 Moscow Basketball League All Stars Games ->
03.04 Moscow fest Fashion and style in photography — Pirelli and Delogu @ Moscow House of Fotography ->
28.03 Exhibition dedicated to Frederico Fellini @ Moscow House of Fotography ->
21.03 EuroBasket2011 presentation in Moscow — Soviet and Lithuanian basketball star Arvidas Sabonis as ambassador of EuroBasket2011 @ The Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow ->
14.03 Russia’s basketball junior championship: the winner is «Moscow Region-2″ ->
08.03 «Mikhail Gorbachev: Perestroika» exhibition — to the 80th anniversary of USSR first president @ Manezh ->
03.03 Second winter orchide fest @ Аpothecary’s garden ->
14.02 Presentation of the book «Tour de France» of Russian TV-star Vlаdimir Pozner @ Biblioglobe bookstore ->
13.02 Opening of the exhibition «Boris Yeltsin and his time» — to the 80th anniversary of Russia’s first president @ Moscow House of Fotography ->
12.02 Presentation of the book of the famous Russian dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze @ Biblioglobe bookstore ->
06.02 «Christmas Tournament» basketball championship @ Festivalny park ->
27.01 Basketball competition «First Steps» (children 11 y.o.) @ Moscow basketball school Trinta ->
17.01 The presentation of new project of russian billionaire Michael Prokhorov — Hybrid Car Jo-mobil ->
12.01 The New Décor exhibition at Garage Center for Contemporary Culture (Moscow) ->
09.01 Exhibition of contemporary art of North Korea @Art center Vinzavod ->
05.01 Second Cup of Youth Basketball Association (girls born in 1995) ->
04.01 Exhibition of vinyl and CD covers from collection of Guy Shraenen at Garage Center for Contemporary Culture (Moscow) ->
03.01 «How soon is now» — photographic exhibition at Garage Center for Contemporary Culture (Moscow): fifteen of the most interesting contemporary artists working with the photographic medium ->
02.01 Ice technology: creation of ice sculptures in Sokolniki ->
26.12 Museum of ice sculpture in Sokolniki (Moscow) ->
15.12 Moscow Teddy bear and handiwork exhibition «Hello Teddy!» ->
09.12 IV Basketball Champion’s Cup among U14 boys and girls in Moscow (->)
08.12 Famous Russian actress Tatiana Dogileva presents her first book «Life and adventures of Sveta Khokhriakova» in the «Moscow» bookstore ->
27.11 Cup of Youth Basketball Association of Russia ->
20.11 Award-winning German author of children’s fiction Cornelia Funke presents her new novel «Reckless» in the bookstore «Moscow» ->
19.11 Fashion exhibition «From mini to maxi: Style of sixties» from the collections of fashion guru Alexander Vassiliev and collector Nasim Mustafaev ->
14.11 Street art exhibition «Beefeater Forever London» @ Artplay center ->
09.11 Moscow part of FINA / ARENA Swimming World Cup 2010 ->
05.11 Exhibition of the author dolls, teddy bears and handmade «Аrt dolls» @ Manege exhibition hall ->
04.11 Winter sports and tourism industry exhibition «Ski salon» ->
21.10 VI International doll salon @ Tishinka ->
16.10 Moscow Design Week 2010: Paola Navone, Jelly-Lights and Young designers festival ->
15.10 New Jersey Nets in Moscow: opening of NBA shop-in-shop ->
14.10 Moscow Design Week 2010: Fabio Novembre ->
13.10 Moscow Design Week 2010: Luigi Colani ->
12.10 Moscow Design Week 2010: Ora-Ito ->
11.10 Adrenalin Games 2010 @ Krylatskoe ->
10.10 NBA Utah Jazz player Andrei Kirilenko in Moscow — Adidas TS Heat Check presentation and Ghetto Basket Streetball competition ->
09.10 Autoexotica 07/08 — retro car exhibition ->
08.10 Streetball championship of Russia: final @ Luzhniki ->
04.10 Streetball Open Cup of Central district of Moscow ->
03.10 World streetball championship Moscow Open 2010 — day 3 ->
02.10 World streetball championship Moscow Open 2010 — day 2 ->
01.10 World streetball championship Moscow Open 2010 — day 1 ->
30.09 World streetball championship Moscow Open 2010 — pre-match press conference ->